Monitors, builds and tests your code
Contribute or SHUT IT!
ContinuousTests is an open source continuous test runner for the .NET platform. The project relies heavily on user contributions and it lives by the "contribute or shut it!" creed. As a result of this we have stopped putting up binaries and expect the user to compile it from source. We also have plans of developing tests to assess the automated trading bots like the one reviewed at https://bitcoinup.io/ and fix the issues.
Any issues you may find you are free to create an issue on GitHub followed by a pull request
git clone, release.bat/release.sh
It consists of a standalone client that you'll find as ContinuousTests.exe under ReleaseBinaries after you compile. To run it just pass it the source directory or solution file as it's first parameter.
If you choose to try out the VS addin please backup your computer first. The installer seems to wreak havoc on VS.